Real Estate Solution

Land Consultation for an Industrial Building located at Lam Tin Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories
Integrated Development (Retail and Residential) Valuation in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Industrial Valuation and Land Valuation in Chon Thanh County (a town of Bình Phước province), Vietnam
Residential Property Market Research in Malaysia
Investment planning And coordination for a theme park project
Rejuvenation proposal for Cha Kwo Ling
Forward Planning And Recommendation On Coastal Area Of West Kowloon Region
Support local civil organisation to lobby with government on a forward planning scheme for Sai Kung District
Support services for state-owned enterprises in acquisition and construction of head quarter, training centres and back office
Compensation negotiation concerning loss of development potential and advisory on redevelopment
Land consultant to support the continuous expansion and development of the university campus
Relocation of Cheung Sha Wan Shipyards to Stonecutters Island (HKSAR)
Decision making on forward planning and investment option on the existing golf course in Shenzhen
Supporting services to mainland developers looking for overseas property investment opportunities
Hong Kong 2030+:Towards a planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030+
Review the current scheme and to provide advise to enhance the attractive and investment return of local development project
Explore the market trend on revitalization and conversion of industrial premises
To assist a non-profit making institution to explore opportunity to enhance asset value
Presentation of investment analysis for the decision of director board
Beijing Friendship Store, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Suzhou Phoenix City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Shenzhuang Town, Minhang District in Shanghai
Sewage Treatment Plants
Coordinate owners, including a state-owned enterprise, to apply for rezoning of a brownfield area of over 200,000 square feet and to lobby with local government to turn the proposed resumption area into developable land
Rm 1010, Star House, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong    
Tel: (852) 3408 3188    
Fax: (852) 2736 9284    
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 RHL International / RHL Appraisal Limited / RHL Surveyors Limited.
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