Market Express

Market Express Vol. 291
HK Topic: The Win-Win Decision on Pencil Tower and Public Housing Estate Development
Mainland China Topic: Chongqing Releases New Standard for Low-Carbon Buildings
Market Express Vol. 290
HK Topic: The Important Functions of the Artificial Islands that Cannot be Ignored
Mainland China Topic: Second Half of 2024: Residential Land Sale Market Recovery?
Market Express Vol. 289
HK Topic: Will the HKMA’s Good Intentions Lead to a Prosperous Market?
Mainland China Topic: Central Government Initiates the Regeneration Scheme for 1 Million of Urban Villages in China
Market Express Vol. 288
HK Topic: Acquiring Lands with Loyalty
Mainland China Topic: Shenzhen's Residential Property Transactions in October Hit a Three-year High
Market Express Vol. 287
HK Topic: Second-Hand Market under the Domination of First-Hand Properties
Mainland China Topic: 14 Main Buildings at Min Tian International Logistics Centre Topped Out: Fuzhou
Market Express Vol. 286
HK Topic: The Road of Hung Shui Kiu
Mainland China Topic: Compensation Scheme for Residential Regeneration in Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Market Express Vol. 285
HK Topic: Relaxation of MIP to Get Through the Hard Times Together
Mainland China Topic: Potential Concerns in buying the ‘Commodity Flats and Apartment’ Bundles
Market Express Vol. 284
HK Topic: New Mechanism for Land Lease Extension Came into Effects
Mainland China Topic: Shanghai: Sansheng Hongye Building Sold at RMB 830 Million by Auction
Market Express Vol. 283
HK Topic: Industrial? Non-Industrial?
PRC Topic: Potential Appreciation of Zhongshan House Price after the Opening of Shenzhen- Zhongshan Bridge
Market Express Vol. 282
HK Topic: The Disappeared Underground City
PRC Topic: Beijing: RMB 450 Million Siheyuan Opened to Auction
Market Express Vol. 281
HK Topic: The Regularization of Standard Rates of Land Premium
PRC Topic: Implementation of ‘Guangzhou Urban Village Renovation Regulation’
Market Express Vol. 280
HK Topic: Residential Properties Controlling Measures Lifted, Property Prices Rise?
PRC Topic: 3 Neighborhoods Urban Planning Alteration and Plot Use Adjustment Approved: Kadin District, Shanghai
Market Express Vol. 279
HK Topic: Transaction of HK$100 Million-Sumptuous Property Active in Early 2024
PRC Topic: Cancellation of Land Price Ceiling Boosts the Land Value in China Cities
Market Express Vol. 278
HK Topic: Land Sale Plan in the Year of Dragon
PRC Topic: The Prosperous Housing Market in Changsa owing to the Relaxation Policy
Market Express Vol. 277
HK Topic: Boosting of the Large Lump Sum Transactions in the Non-Domestic Property Markets
PRC Topic: Xian — New-Built Residential Price Ascension Outperforming the Country
Market Express Vol. 276
HK Topic: Tung Chung East Station Tender - The Importance of Learning from a Failure
PRC Topic: The Largest Legoland is going to launch in Shenzhen in 2024
Market Express Vol. 275
HK Topic: Are Shopping Malls in Hong Kong Stuffy?
PRC Topic: Land Resumption Led to the Closure of the Shenzhen Golf Club, Futian District
Market Express Vol. 274
HK Topic: Accelerated Shop Rentals at Core Business Areas
PRC Topic: Beijing Cancels Property Reference Price
Market Express Vol.273
HK Topic: The Predicament of WKCD Authority
PRC Topic: Shanghai Office Market: High Vacancy Rate and Downshift of Rental Level
Market Express Vol. 272
HK Topic: Streamline the Arrangement of Extension of Land Leases: for the Government, for the Public
PRC Topic: Review of Second Anniversary of Shenzhen Second Hand Properties’ Reference Prices
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